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A farmer in each Home...

Leaf 2 - New Moon 28 July 2022


This fortnightly edition carries stories about the upcoming & ongoing initiatives at Prakriti.

The Farmers' marketA group of farmers have been organizing a weekend 'Santhe' at Vijayanagar since last few months and when they approached us about the possibility of extending it at the Prakriti premises, we were delighted to support them. As a pilot program, it was launched on 17th July 11 AM to 2 PM. The duration, day and time schedule might go through some change after a few weeks of experimentation. As a platform that connects the producer & the consumer, Prakriti hopes this initiative will expand to become a lively Sunday carnival in the coming days. Please do share your ideas to make it grow!

Gardening & Composting: In the phrase 'Global Thought-Local Action', we believe Local Action refers to:

  1. Inculcating individual Habits (involving lifestyle changes like carrying cloth bags, steel straws etc)
  2. Converting our homes into Zero waste - Poison free - Optimal Energy Homes
While the first point involves personal conviction primarily, the second topic requires some technical inputs and handholding from experienced people. Our volunteers think:

"To begin with, focus should be on Kitchen Gardening, Kitchen waste segregation-composting & Preparation of House cleaning liquids using plant based bio-enzymes"


Saplings preparation

Our Kitchen gardening work started with the collection & documentation of good seed varieties of vegetables and preparation of Herbal saplings. Now Prakriti customers can get all their kitchen gardening needs in one place to inculcate Kitchen Gardening as a habit.

Kitchen Garden section @ Prakriti Store
In the coming weeks, a herbal kit is ready for launch - a ready to use kitchen garden kit for those apprehensive yet eager kitchen gardeners. 

Thank you!

In the service of Nature
C. Balachandran

Please do send your stories of inspiration, love & attention that can find a place in these fortnightlies. Email to or Whatsapp to 72042 88166. Together, we are!
