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Spinning empowers!

Leaf 1 - Full moon 13 July 2022

 The mango season is almost over and good butter fruits have started coming in. The Dasheri mangoes from Raje gowda farm that came in last week are worth mentioning for its flavour and sweetness. Topics covered in this fortnight includes - Ms. Sunitha & Vanastree, our friend Ms. Sahana and her parenting efforts, Charaka spinning at the Store and the new farmer who joined our list of empaneled farmers.

Charaka spinning
Sunday group spinning @ Prakriti

The group spinning activity on Sunday 3rd July at the Store surprisingly attracted lots of children. Thanks to Sachu (for manufacturing and selling box charakas) and Santosh Koulagi (from Janapada Seva Trust, Melkote who introduced us to the world of spinning), charaka spinners are on the rise in Mysore region. Those who strive for extracting their basic needs (Food, Shelter & Clothing) from Mother Nature without harming her, find this Charaka spinning empowering and fulfilling. A press note was also released on the same day expressing our displeasure in amending the law to make our national flags from imported material too, instead of pure khadi. Self-reliance & Self-sufficiency are the foundation on which Patriotism can be built in a Society. Without Self-respect, Patriotism would just be a hypocrisy, eh?
* The Khadi nulugarara balaga press note can be
read here

Sunita & VanastreeOur friend, philosopher & mentor, Sunita Rao, has shifted to Mysore recently.  She is the founder of Vanastree, a women farmers’ seed collective in Sirsi. She recently gave a talk titled, “And Food Justice for all”, at Kalpa Kshetra auditorium in Vijayanagar 3rd Stage. She has spent 20 years living on a forest farm in the Malnad, where the home garden is considered the real ‘living’ room of the house. Sunita is happy to share her experiences with small scale food systems, life in a rural landscape and the perils of trying to get a house constructed in the city. She can be reached at 8105752325 (

Sahana & Parenting: Our friend, volunteer & kitchen gardener, Ms. Sahana is a mother of two kids and her love for Nature can be measured by her extraordinary efforts in parenting. Even before her first child was born, I remember her scouting for the best bamboo-made cradle available in the town. From diapers to ragi sari, she did detailed research to find the sustainable, earth-friendly options available in the town. And in the process, she has gained lots of knowledge on what works and what doesn’t. So, earnest young parents looking for green parenting products can reach out to her for advice at 98445 51614

Sahana with her family

Raje Gowda Farm: Ms. Swathi Kurunji and her husband Mr. Vikas Raje Gowda, who have returned to India recently, have started to take care of their ancestral farm in Ramanahalli near Mysore. They are our newest entrant to our list of empaneled farmers and their Dasheri mangoes from the 25+ years old trees were truly tasty. They told that sapotas are coming next….

Raje Gowda Farm, Ramanahalli, Mysore
Those interested to visit Raje Gowda farm can contact 90191 50858

...and at the Store, Herbal Nursery and Kitchen Gardening programs are taking shape slowly and more details to follow in the coming issue. If you come across any interesting news/events that can go in our fortnightlies, please send it to 7204288166 /

Also, do write to us about your thoughts & feedback on this new initiative of Fortnightly broadcasting by Prakriti. As a community, what we accomplish is more significant than all our individual accomplishments. 

Thank you!

In the service of Nature
C. Balachandran


You can leave your suggestions for topics to be included in the upcoming issue here